Let me introduce you to my family. The picture in my heading is Harrison when he was just a few weeks old. He was born August 14th and is now almost 10 1/2mths old. He took his first step the day before he turned 10mths and over the past week and a half has worked his way up to 30steps!!! He is consistantly taking 4 or 5 steps but crawling is still his main form of travel at the moment. His vocabulary consists of Mum, Dad, Cat, Dog, Teddy, Uh-oh, Uh-Uh(gruff as in NO ) and of course the ever delightful word NO! The past couple of days he's been making a V-v-v sound so I think he might be trying to say his sisters name. This is one of his 10mth pics playing at the vege patch.
My step-daughter Vivienne is 13. Enough said LOL Seriously though, she is so beautiful despite all the hormonal anguish and heartache she is going through (and causing us) at the moment.
Ethan is 11. He is very arty and creative and a bit of an enigma to me. A perfect example - one day he went hunting with his dad and came home all excited telling me how many pigs they caught (disgusting I know and I don't agree with it either), but then came upstairs and was super excited that the musical Annie was on T. V and he sat there and watched it. Needless to say his tastes are pretty diverse LOL. Lately he has been spending alot of spare time building a tree house in our front yard. He loves animals more than anything.
Dan and I have been together for 6 years. The time has gone so fast. He works too hard and isn't home as much as i'd like him to be so at times I feel like a single mother to four kids . It's hard work but at the same time i'm grateful because him working so hard allows me to be a stay at home mum and I wouldn't have it any other way. This pic was taken when I was pregnant with Harrison.
So while our house is very busy and rife with stress and sibling rivalry it is also full of love. Sounds very corny and cliche I know but it's true.
We are about to embark on a two and a half week holiday where I won't have any access to the internet. How will I survive?????? I'm so looking forward to getting away together. I'm not however looking forward to a 12hr drive with Harrison. Wish me luck and i'll update you all when we get back. :)