About Me

Queensland, Australia
I cook, I scrapbook, I like to sing, I clean more than I'd like to.My newest passion is photography. I do not sew. I have a very full house and a very busy life and that's the way I like it. (Most of the time.)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Photo Overload

Finally, I'm making time to upload some photos. There were so many I wanted to share. the order is a bit random:

Harrison is obsessed with cars and all things that go Brrmm at the moment so one so Vivienne dressed him up in some Cars PJ's and boots he got for his birthday. They're still a bit big. He loved them. He kept looking at his shirt and boots and saying 'Brrrm brrmmm'.

We've been on a couple of camping trips in the last month or so. Harrison had a great time. He hadn't been camping since he was 8 months old so it was a new experience for him. He loved swimming and playing with dirt and sticks and generally being filthy the whole time. Germs are good right?? ;)

Harrison and I enjoying a swim.

Eating food coated with dirt mmmmmmmm

A boy and his stick.
Ok, these next ones are all back-to-front but as promised......Puppy photo's......

Harrison loves them, although he calls them 'meows'. I think when they start running around biting at his heels in a couple of weeks he might realise they're dogs.

Getting right in amongst it. So disgusting. I practically disinfected him after this but it was so cute I had to take a photo first. I the puppies were only a few days old here. They are two weeks old today thought and are starting to walk around and open their eyes.

Just some sleeping shots. They're few and far between these days. I'm always worried I'll wake him. This day he was well and truly tuckered out after playgroup so I thought I was safe to sneak in.

Our most recent camping trip from end to start:
On the way home we had to pack everything that would normally be in the back of the car onto the trailer to accommodate Reba and her babies.

Harrison sleeping through us digging and winching ourselves out of a dry bog.

The bog we were digging out of. We were on our way home but didn't get far. We didn't realise just how soft that sand was. It was like talcum powder.

Reba wondering what's going on while we were packing up. Her babies were only a few hours old.

All packed and ready to go home. About 5 minutes before above situation LOL

Harrison possibly the most disgusting he has ever been and loving every minute of it.

Jesse being a fire bug as usual.

Harrison's nudie bum. Aint it cute?
Ethan relaxing in the camp.

Dad and Harrison reading about Brmmms

Reba the day before she gave birth. Still keen to jump on the quad. She actually chased after the kids when they took off on the quad before she'd had her last puppy!! You could see she was really struggling with what to do. She started to follow the kids but in the end decided she had to come back. About 10 mins later her last puppy was born. Crazy dog.

Vivienne and Harrison testing the water when we first arrived.

A few weeks ago I went to my friend Tracey's 40th birthday party. It was fancy dress but didn't have any particular theme which made it really hard to decide what to go as. I procrastinated about it for ages and left it til the last minute and had to throw something together.Of course we don't have any costume or party shops in this town so we all had to make do with what we had. My sister Michelle and her husband Adrian (a.k.a Jean) also came.
Jean did the toga thing.

Michelle went as a Sith Lord. Don't ask me which one. I can't remember what she was called.

And I decided to go Emo. I stopped short of dying my hair but it was fun to dress up. I think I smiled far too much throughout the night considering my costume.

That's it for now. I'm off to bed. I have a big week ahead. I'll be caring for two toddlers for the next four days and then flying to Cairns on Thursday night and I haven't even finished my shopping list!!!!!!


Kelly said...

Harrison is such a cutie!

Thanks for the blog comments, and wow, you do need to update!

squirrelgirl said...

Kylie - I've been thinking about you and wondering if everything's OK since you haven't posted in so long. Hope to hear from you soon!