About Me

Queensland, Australia
I cook, I scrapbook, I like to sing, I clean more than I'd like to.My newest passion is photography. I do not sew. I have a very full house and a very busy life and that's the way I like it. (Most of the time.)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Laundry and the Little Things

Does anyone else her gauge their day by how many load of washing they have to do? It's ridiculous. Every single morning when I take the washing basket to the laundry I'm doing a mental tally of how many loads today. And oh how exciting it is on those rare occasions when it's a one load day!! WooHoo (usually followed of course by a three load day). What I would give for a day without washing. Ah but alas this would surely lead to five load day the very next day, not to mention the folding and ironing that follows.
Don't mind me having a whinge,it's just that I'm feeling a bit too much like the hired help at the moment and the little things are really pissing me off.
It all started on Sunday when I asked for a day off. Now by a day off I meant a day of not having to be responsible for Harrison. So Dan assumes I want him to take the kids away for the day which, don't get me wrong, would have been nice but that's not what I meant. I don't get to see Dan enough as it is so the last thing I want him to do is disappear on me on one of his rare days off. I just meant (and I explained this to him) that I wanted him to be the one responsible for taking care of Harrison for the day. Which means, and yes I explained this to him too, that I wanted him to be the one to feed him and change dirty nappies and pick him up when he was upset. So after listening to me and agreeing to take on all of the above for just ONE day, can you guess what happened??
I fed him his breakfast, lunch and dinner, I changed all but one of his nappies for the day. So yeah can you see why I'm so pissed off??
I had things I really wanted to get done on Sunday. I wanted to get some baking done so I could refill the void in the freezer where the kids snack belong. I wanted to finish cleaning out the drawers in the old entertainment unit so I could get it off the balcony and out of my sight, I wanted to print out some new pics and hang the new frames on the walls and I really really wanted a bit of time to myself to do some scrap booking. Dan also wanted me to paint the ceiling in the new office so he could hang the lights in there (you see I've always been the one to do the painting as normally it's a job he refuses to do).
  • So this is how Sunday went - after I cooked everyone else breakfast and fed Harrison, Dan played with him for a bit while I cleaned up the mess.
  • Then not long after Harrison went down for a nap and I started doing some baking. While Harrison was sleeping Dan went downstairs and painted the ceiling in the office, (which of course he deserves a medal for, just ask him).
  • Harrison actually had a fairly long sleep so by the time he woke up I was almost finished my baking so Dan watched him while I again cleaned up the mess.
  • By now it's lunch time and everyone is waiting for the quiche I have in the oven. So when it's done, I feed Harrison
  • then Dan turns on the TV to watch the footy show and leaves me to look after Harrison. Meanwhile it's a three load day so I'm up and down the stairs doing loads of washing. Taking Harrison with me of course.
  • So a couple of hours later Harrison goes for his next nap and Dan takes the boys to their swimming club sign on while I print out the pics for the new frames.
  • Harrison wakes up and Dan goes back downstairs to put the final coat on the ceiling so once again I'm left holding the baby
  • By later in the afternoon the football is on TV and Dan is trying to watch it and I'm trying to do the folding while Harrison is clinging to my legs crying Mummumumum. So Dan gets the shits because he can't hear the TV and says he's going downstairs. So I said " well you can take him with you so I can at do the folding in peace. Do you want to know what response I got?? this - "You don't have to do that now, you can wait til he goes to bed tonight"!!!!!! Are you F*&#ing serious????

This is my whole point. Why do I always have to wait til Harrison is sleeping to do the things that I want to do when Dan can just take off and do whatever he wants whenever he decides? He does work really hard and ridiculously long hours so when he comes home Friday afternoon and takes off to go hunting at 5pm and leaves me to get dinner ready for 4kids while Harrison is at his crankiest, I don't begrudge him that. But sometimes the whole situations just pisses me off.

I'm sick of him working such long hours. I don't care about the money. We could live quite comfortably one his wage from his first job. I'm sick of EVERYTHING in my life being about someone else, ALL of the time. Even my bloody hobby (scrapbooking) is ultimately for someone else.

Little things - like put the freakin glad wrap, mild, butter away after you've finished making your breakfast and lunch in the morning

Little things - like if you have to move a pile of folding to sit on the lounge, take it and put it away instead of just moving it to the coffee table

Little things - like I dunno, a million little things. And stop just leaving shit because you know I'll do it because I can't stand living in a mess.

Sorry about all the woe is me. I really needed to vent.


squirrelgirl said...

{{{HUGS}}} Been there, done that! The only thing that worked for me when I was having that trouble was to physically leave the house, leaving the baby with DH. I think it's a guy thing. Now that Miss K is walking it's easier, and with my dad here that helps too. I wish I had some good advice for you! Oh, and I love the new furniture!

Kelly said...

hey! thanks for the blog comments about Jason :)

Sorry you didn't get the day that you wanted. That happens all the time to me, especially with DH being gone often. Isn't it sad that when we request a day off from watching our children that we have a million things planned on that day to get done?? lol