About Me

Queensland, Australia
I cook, I scrapbook, I like to sing, I clean more than I'd like to.My newest passion is photography. I do not sew. I have a very full house and a very busy life and that's the way I like it. (Most of the time.)

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Stuff and Birthday Parties

Finally, I'm rid of all of our bits and pieces of mismatched crap furniture and my whole living area is now filled with brand spankin' new things!!!!!! It's not the best most expensive or exclusive furniture in the world but it's new and it's ours.

I wish I had have taken some before photos. Just imagine futons instead of a lounge and recliners, no coffee table and old entertainment unit, no buffet, an old 6 seater dining table with crappy old non-matching chairs and a cluttered giant white laminex bookcase.

I've just put some new pictures on the walls too and updated all my photos and put them new matching frames. I'll have to take some pics later but for now, I'll add the ones I took when I first got all the new stuff in the house and set up.

There's still a corner that is a bit cluttered but that will be fixed once our new office if finished. We put the undercoat on the walls this weekend and will hopefully finished it off next weekend. We only have to do the paint topcoat and tile the floor, then all the office crap and the treadmill will be outa there. I will eventually get Harrison a proper toy box too so I can tidy up his clutter a little better.

Now - birthday parties. I'd like to say I've been busy planning the final touches of Harrison's but I also Jesse's party before that. His birthday is on the 8th and Harrison's is the 14th, so Jesse is handing out his invites at school today. He's having a sleepover party this year and i'm making him a Gameboy cake. We'll have a very full house overnight. I'm thinking of setting up the tent in the backyard and taking the TV out of the boys room down there so they can play PlayStation and eat junk all night without keeping the rest of us up.

In the lead up to Harrison turning the Big One!! I've been tweaking his daily routine a little bit. I'm trying hard to get rid of his bottles. He was down to three a day so I've cut him down to 2 and introduced afternoon tea instead of that bottle and I'm giving him his mid morning bottle in a sippy cup. He's really fighting me on the whole formula in a sippy cup thing. He drinks water out of a sippy cup all day long but for some reason really bucks at getting his milk in there. It'll be a tough learning curve no doubt but I think I'd rather fight him now than have him crying for his bottle at this time next year. So for now his schedule looks something like this:
  • 6.30 am wake up
  • 7.00am breakfast
  • 9.00am sippy cup of 1/2 mink 1/2 formula
  • 9.30Sleep
  • 12.00pm lunch
  • 2.00pm sleep
  • 3.30pm snack
  • 6.00pm dinner
  • 7.00pm bottle and bed

Of course things change slightly depending on how long his naps are etc but that's basically it. he's eating alot more solids these days and all table foods. He won't have a bar of the purees and rarely lets me feed him with a spoon. He wants to do it all himself which makes for a lovely mess. Sometimes I can distract him with finger food and he'll let me feed him. Breakfast cereal and yoghurt etc are just a nightmare when he does it himself. I think I just need to make myself relax and breath through the flinging of food onto the walls and smearing of food into his hair. thankfully he still LOVES his bath so he's always happy to get in the tub if he makes too much mess.

Of course there are a million things I should be doing right now but I'm thinking a coffee sounds really good. I might go and sit in front of the t.v in my new recliner and wait for my boy to wake up : )

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