About Me

Queensland, Australia
I cook, I scrapbook, I like to sing, I clean more than I'd like to.My newest passion is photography. I do not sew. I have a very full house and a very busy life and that's the way I like it. (Most of the time.)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Making up for the little things.....

So after festering in my bad mood all week, I finally had it out with Dan last night. How did it go? I'll let you know in a week or so . For now good but it was just the same old conversation rehashed. I tried to approach it a little differently this time and didn't throw any accusations or blame around since that just normally makes him ark up even more. I just calmly explained the way I've been feeling and the reasons why. So we'll see how it all goes.

I went back to Weight Watchers last night. I started it a little while ago and was going really well when I found a lump in my breast and had the big 'I'm gonna die' freak out so I stopped going and things all went downhill from there. So last night I summoned up the courage to go back. I'd put on all but 0.5kg of what I'd lost last time so it's pretty much back to the drawing board but I'm feeling positive about it. I bought one of their Points Pedometers and I've been wearing it so far today. It's only 10am and it's telling I've done a healthy amount of movement already!! so now it will calculate my bonus points from here on in. It's pretty cool. You enter your height, weight and stride length and then it calculates your bonus points based on the number of steps you've taken. I Love new gadgets LOL.
Now that I'm in a better mood, I thought I might post some recent pics of Harrison on here. Only nine days to go until his birthday now!
He got his birthday presents from Gran (my Mum) in the mail and I let him have them early. Here he is unwrapping his new swing and some books and testing out his new chair.
My Mum also sent me some photos she took while were on holidays. I love this one she took of Harrison in the bath. I had to scan them so the quality isn't that great. And one of Harrison and I at the farmAnd just a couple of random pics of my cheeky monkey at home.
It's Jesse's birthday tomorrow and I still haven't wrapped his presents so I really should go and do that while he's at school today. He's having a sleepover party on the weekend so that'll keep us busy. I'm making him a Gameboy cake for his party on Saturday night so I'm sure he'll love it. I actually have an extra household member for the next few days. One of Jesse's friends who's an only child was supposed to be going camping with his parents this weekend and he was really upset that he was going to miss the party, so I volunteered to have him for the next thee nights so his parents can go camping alone and he can be here for the party. Why, why , why do I do this to myself?? I've also volunteered to run a stall at the playgroup fete on the Sunday so there goes any free time. At least this time I have no one to blame but myself.
I probably won't get a chance to log in before Monday so have a great weekend : )

1 comment:

squirrelgirl said...

Love the new blog look! Congrats on getting back to WW - I hope you meet your goal. I admire your courage and willpower to get back with it.